“Hank & Margot understood what we needed from the moment we opened the front door.”

Adam - Barberology

BARBEROLOGY - Content creation.

When Adam first opened Barberology in the Jewellery Quarter it was clear it wasn’t going be just another barbershop. Adam had a clear vision of how he wanted it to look, feel and even smell!! This wavering determination to cut his own path has seen the shop go from strength to strength. Back in 2016 it was voted best barbershop in the UK and Hank and Margot feel proud to have been with them every step of the way.

We have provided images that not just advertise the great cuts and shaves but also tell the story of the shop and the people working within. The images have been the lynchpin of the brands social media and also featured in national press, trade magazines and even TV adverts. We love working with Adam and the lads and 2021 will see this relationship go from strength top strength.



